Friday, July 29, 2011

Remove a specific ActiveRecord error message from a models errors collection

Example (where user is an instance variable of my User model):

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Retrieve monthly search volume for a keyword using the Google Adwords API and Ruby

I recently needed to pull down monthly search totals for a number of keywords, after a quick search, that came up empty, I decided to whip one out and post the code (simplified of course), which uses the Google Ads API, Ruby and the Ruby Google Ads API client library ( In order to run this example, you must first initialize your sandbox accounts, described in my previous posting, as well as have ruby and the Ads API libraries installed.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Adwords API Sandbox Initialization Using Adwords4r GEM

The following snippet initializes new accounts for the specified google account, within the Adwords SANDBOX , using the Adwords4r gem. Replace "your-user-name" with your google accounts user name. Happy Adwords'n.